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Mice Lenormand Meaning Keywords

  • Dwindling
  • Deficiency
  • Depletion
  • Destruction
  • Defect
  • Flaw
  • Disease

Mice Lenormand Card Meaning and Interpretation

Slow decay and deterioration are indicated by the Mice card. Though mice may initially seem harmless, many of them can become a problem when they start gnawing and nibbling away at food, resources and housing. It’s a slow process, but if not controlled, this card can cause devastating destruction. In Lenormand readings, this card can mean that something is slowly losing its force or strength - like a relationship that may be crumbling, or hope that is slowly fading. You may not even be conscious of it yet, but it is in the works - you’ll have to be more alert to see what may later become an issue.

Finally, because mice are sometimes carriers of disease - this card can also indicate some kind of metaphorical or internal corruption. You may be dealing with something that is tainted or polluted; there may be someone that does not have pure motivations for their actions, like a corrupt government (in the case of the tower card) for example.

Questions to Ask with The Mice

  • Is there anything that I have to watch out for?
  • What has been slowly gnawing away at me?
  • What can I do to fix the problem before it becomes worse?
  • Is this situation worth saving?

Mice Lenormand Correspondences

  • Card Symbol: Seven of Clubs
  • Number: 23
  • General Feeling: Negative
  • Planet: Chiron
  • Zodiac: Libra
  • Timing: Running out of Time

Mice Lenormand Combinations

Paired CardCombined Meaning
1. Riderlost message, stressful news
2. Cloverdecaying luck, to remain lighthearted in the face of loss
3. Shipsense of adventure is decaying, decay is spreading
4. Houseunhealthy family dynamics, decaying sense of tradition
5. Treedecline in health, stress, drained, weak immune system
6. Cloudsconfusion causes decay, hidden corruption
7. Snakedesires and motivation are decaying
8. Coffinending is coming slowly, end of unhealthy situation
9. Bouquetsomething pleasant is being corrupted, false flattery
10. Scytheending bad habits, ending corruption
11. Whipslowly escalating abuse, conflict is exhausting, conflict is dwindling
12. Birdsdirty gossip, worry about decay or scarcity
13. Childdecaying playfulness, decaying innocence
14. Foxdecay of trust, trust is polluted and unwarranted
15. Beara corrupt leader, decaying strength
16. Starsworry about one's future, slow decline in hope
17. Storktransition is one that is harmful, transition is unhealthy
18. Dogdecaying loyalty, decaying friendship, a false friend
19. Towercorrupt authority figure, dwindling authority
20. Gardena corrupt society, a declining reputation
21. Mountaindecay creates challenges, obstacle from sickness
22. Crossroadlimits on freedom, stressful choices
24. Heartdwindling compassion, dwindling love, an unhealthy love
25. Ringa dishonest promise, a harmful commitment
26. Booklittle education, misinformation, knowledge about illness
27. Lettera corrupt conversation, decaying communication
28. Mana man that is sick, in poverty, or corrupt
29. Womana woman that is sick, in poverty, or corrupt
30. Lilylack of passion, moral corruption
31. Sunhappiness is declining, something joyful is being eroded
32. Moonneglecting one's emotions, jealousy, self-destructive emotions
33. Keyopenness causes vulnerability, decay of one's understanding
34. Fishloss of finances, something is losing value to you
35. Anchorholding onto something that is decaying, losing security and stability
36. Crossunhealthy ideology, convictions are decaying