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Birds Lenormand Meaning Keywords

  • Worry
  • Excitement
  • Gossip
  • Chattering
  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety

Birds Lenormand Card Meaning and Interpretation

A lot of activity and energy is indicated when seeing Birds in your lenormand reading. There’s a strong sense of restlessness, of flitting about from one place to another, of manifold excitement that happens when these little animals gather together. Birds can be hyper alert, filled with nervous anxiety that makes it difficult for them to stay in one place for too long.

This card can also be indicative of chatter happening in your life - and sometimes even gossip. When many birds gather, there seems to be an excited exchange of songs - building up to a constant stream of noise.

Another meaning of this card can include being distracted by many things - your consciousness is focused on too many ideas, making it difficult for you to focus.

Questions to Ask with Birds

  • Where do I need to focus?
  • How can communicate with more substance?
  • Why am I nervous?
  • What am I excited about?

Birds Lenormand Correspondences

  • Card Symbol: Seven of Diamonds
  • Number: 12
  • General Feeling: Neutral
  • Planet: Uranus
  • Zodiac: Aquarius
  • Timing: Temporary

Birds Lenormand Combinations

Paired CardCombined Meaning
1. Riderspoken messages, an interview
2. Cloverexcitement about a lucky chance, worry about luck
3. Shipnervous excitement about travel, worry about travel
4. Housea chaotic home, gossip about home life, worry about family
5. Treespeech issues, vocal problems, spiritual
6. Cloudsgossip creates confusion, worry creates confusion
7. Snakewanting too many things, messy ambitions
8. Coffinworrying about loss, putting an end to chatty gossip
9. Bouquetchatter and gossip in a gathering
10. Scythebeing alert to sudden changes
11. Whipworrying about painful feedback, anxiety and nervousness
13. Childnervousness about inexperience, chatty children
14. Foxwatchful alertness and suspicion, selfish worries
15. Bearchatty gossip with or about a guardian figure
16. Starsmany dreams, faith is erratic, dreams are unstructured
17. Storkworry about change, transformation in communication
18. Dognervous friend, excited friend, gossip about friend
19. Towercreating distance to avoid stress and gossip
20. Gardengossiping public, a nervous social occasion causing anxiety
21. Mountainlittle stresses cause big problems, difficult anxiety
22. Crossroadindecision, nervousness, choices seem chaotic
23. Micedirty gossip, worry about decay or scarcity
24. Heartworries about love, anxieties about love
25. Ringnervousness about commitment, worries about promise
26. Bookprivate knowledge, worried about education
27. Letterstressful communication, gossip
28. Mana man with a sense of nervous excitement
29. Womana woman with a sense of nervous excitement
30. Lilygossip about sex, gossip about morals and ethics
31. Sunhappy thoughts, little joys
32. Moonemotional instability, worry
33. Keyworries about opening up, anxiety about a revelation
34. Fishworries about finances, too many worries
35. Anchorinability to let go of worries, focus on stress
36. Crossworries about responsibilities and burdens