Two of Swords

Spend some time gathering information before taking action.
The Two in this suit usually represents conflicting ideas or visions. These must be reconciled by communication in order to arrive in a harmonious place or to complete strategic negotiations. Mixed signals prevail.
While they may be appearing to try to communicate, opposite sides are missing each other entirely, with possibly drastic consequences. In the best case, a frank discussion would clear the air and serve both sides, but one cannot expect that in every instance where this card appears.
In the Advice Position
Wait until the timing is right and all the facts are clear before taking action.
The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible.
The Two of Swords in this position advises that this may not be a good time to make a decision. Neither allow others to push you beyond your boundaries, nor permit yourself to act impulsively. You need to fully assimilate the situation before making any moves -- even if not having a solution as soon as you want causes tension.
Have patience. There are circumstances in which action is better than non-action. This, however, is not one of them. Remain silent as much as possible and allow things to settle. A little meditation can help you achieve greater objectivity. You do not have enough information, as all the evidence hasn't come in yet.