tarot app

Which Love?

This is a ten card Tarot spread that looks at two potential lovers. If the querent is already in love they don't need this spread. If the querent thinks they're in love with both then they're not in love with either and probably not ready for a relationship. This spread is for those occasions when a querent needs to make a decision which potential lover to spend time on.

Choose a deck and Write your question (optionally) to the field below and press OK

Please choose 10 Tarot cards

card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card card

Please wait seconds while your reading is preparing